

This is a special trick you can do when multiple mass outbreaks overlap in a town.

1. Prepare and eat a sandwich outside the town, just like in other shiny hunting methods.
2. Go to the town where the mass outbreaks overlap and move to the outbreak location.
3. Normal-colored Pokémon won't appear, so you can't use the Let's Go mechanic to increase shiny odds. However, if a shiny Pokémon is rolled, it will briefly appear and then immediately disappear.
4. If you see a shiny Pokémon, lock onto it and quickly throw a ball to catch it. (Quick reflexes are necessary since the Pokémon will completely disappear, and even if you enter a battle, it will inexplicably end abruptly.)
5. Upon capturing it, you’ll obtain a shiny Pokémon with the memory in its status saying, "Met in [Town Name] at Lv. [Level]." This is a special trick you can do when multiple mass outbreaks overlap in a town.

1. Prepare and eat a sandwich outside the town, just like in other shiny hunting methods.
2. Go to the town where the mass outbreaks overlap and move to the outbreak location.
3. Normal-colored Pokémon won't appear, so you can't use the Let's Go mechanic to increase shiny odds. However, if a shiny Pokémon is rolled, it will briefly appear and then immediately disappear.
4. If you see a shiny Pokémon, lock onto it and quickly throw a ball to catch it. (Quick reflexes are necessary since the Pokémon will completely disappear, and even if you enter a battle, it will inexplicably end abruptly.)
5. Upon capturing it, you’ll obtain a shiny Pokémon with the memory in its status saying, "Met in [Town Name] at Lv. [Level]."


街で色違いが厳選できる!(You can shiny hunt in towns!)






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